

V_ADDNOISE Add noise at a chosen SNR [z,p,fso]=(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)


function [z,p,fso]=v_addnoise(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)


V_ADDNOISE Add noise at a chosen SNR [z,p,fso]=(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)

 Usage: (1) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr); % add white noise using P.56 for speech power with total ouput level at 0 dB
        (2) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'',n,fn); % add noise from column vector n() at sample frequency fn with random start
                                            % sample and wrapping around as required with a vorbis cross-fade
        (3) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'AD');    % use A-weighting when calculating the SNR which is specified as a power ratio
        (4) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'f',b,a); % generate noise using filter(b,a,randn(*,1)) but avoiding startup transient
        (5) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'g',11);    % add speech-shaped noise (noise 11 from v_stdspectrum.m)and plot a graph

 Inputs:  s    input signal (column vector)
        fsx    sampling frequency (Hz) or fso output from previous call
        snr    target SNR in dB (or power ratio if 'D' option given) [default: Inf]
          m    mode string [omit or use '' to get default of 'dxopEk']
                (1) 'A'  use A-weighting when calculating SNR
                (2) 'd'  SNR input and p output given in dB [default]
                    'D'  SNR input and p output given as power ratio
                (3) 'S'  no noise wrapping
                    'w'  wrap noise if it is too short
                    'W'  wrap noise with vorbis cross-fade of +-50 ms [default]
                (4) 'b'  Go fom the beginning of the noise signal
                    'o'  Add a random noise offset even if it means extra wraps [default]
                    'O'  Add a random noise offset but minimize number of wraps
                (5) 'p'  Use P.56 to calculate signal level [default]
                    'e'  Use energy to calculate signal level
                    'P'  Use P.56 to calculate noise level
                    'E'  Use energy to calculate noise level [default]
                (6) 'z'  Assume signal is already at 0 dB
                    'Z'  Assume noise is already at 0 dB
                (7) 'n'  make signal level = 0dB
                    'N'  make noise level = 0dB
                    't'  make sum of speech and noise levels = 0dB [default]
                    'k'  preserve original signal power
                    'K'  preserve original noise power
                (8) 'x'  the output z contains input and noise as separate columns
                (8) 'f'  Inputs nb and fsa specify a z-domain filter nb(z)/fsa(z) applied to Gaussian noise
                (9) 'g'  plot graph [default if no output arguments]
         nb    noise signal or v_stdspectrum type or numerator of noise filter if 'f' option (default: white noise)
        fsa    noise sample frequency [default fsx] or denominator of noise filter if 'f' option

 Outputs: z    noisy signal (single column unless 'x' option given
          p    levels in dB or power (see 'dD' options): [s-in n-in s-out n-out]
        fso    state output for fsx input to future call to allow s to be processed in blocks

 The noise can have a different sample rate from the signal (fsa and fsx
 inputs respectively) but if you will be re-using the noise multiple times
 it is more efficient to use v_resample() on the noise signal. This is the
 same as resample() but discards the initial and final filter transients.
 By using the fso output as the fsx input in a subsequent call, you can
 process a long speech signal in chuncks with the same noise. Note that
 the speech and noise levels determined fom the first chunck are used for
 all subsequent chuncks.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [z,p,fso]=v_addnoise(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)
0002 %V_ADDNOISE Add noise at a chosen SNR [z,p,fso]=(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)
0003 %
0004 % Usage: (1) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr); % add white noise using P.56 for speech power with total ouput level at 0 dB
0005 %        (2) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'',n,fn); % add noise from column vector n() at sample frequency fn with random start
0006 %                                            % sample and wrapping around as required with a vorbis cross-fade
0007 %        (3) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'AD');    % use A-weighting when calculating the SNR which is specified as a power ratio
0008 %        (4) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'f',b,a); % generate noise using filter(b,a,randn(*,1)) but avoiding startup transient
0009 %        (5) z=v_addnoise(s,fs,snr,'g',11);    % add speech-shaped noise (noise 11 from v_stdspectrum.m)and plot a graph
0010 %
0011 % Inputs:  s    input signal (column vector)
0012 %        fsx    sampling frequency (Hz) or fso output from previous call
0013 %        snr    target SNR in dB (or power ratio if 'D' option given) [default: Inf]
0014 %          m    mode string [omit or use '' to get default of 'dxopEk']
0015 %                (1) 'A'  use A-weighting when calculating SNR
0016 %                (2) 'd'  SNR input and p output given in dB [default]
0017 %                    'D'  SNR input and p output given as power ratio
0018 %                (3) 'S'  no noise wrapping
0019 %                    'w'  wrap noise if it is too short
0020 %                    'W'  wrap noise with vorbis cross-fade of +-50 ms [default]
0021 %                (4) 'b'  Go fom the beginning of the noise signal
0022 %                    'o'  Add a random noise offset even if it means extra wraps [default]
0023 %                    'O'  Add a random noise offset but minimize number of wraps
0024 %                (5) 'p'  Use P.56 to calculate signal level [default]
0025 %                    'e'  Use energy to calculate signal level
0026 %                    'P'  Use P.56 to calculate noise level
0027 %                    'E'  Use energy to calculate noise level [default]
0028 %                (6) 'z'  Assume signal is already at 0 dB
0029 %                    'Z'  Assume noise is already at 0 dB
0030 %                (7) 'n'  make signal level = 0dB
0031 %                    'N'  make noise level = 0dB
0032 %                    't'  make sum of speech and noise levels = 0dB [default]
0033 %                    'k'  preserve original signal power
0034 %                    'K'  preserve original noise power
0035 %                (8) 'x'  the output z contains input and noise as separate columns
0036 %                (8) 'f'  Inputs nb and fsa specify a z-domain filter nb(z)/fsa(z) applied to Gaussian noise
0037 %                (9) 'g'  plot graph [default if no output arguments]
0038 %         nb    noise signal or v_stdspectrum type or numerator of noise filter if 'f' option (default: white noise)
0039 %        fsa    noise sample frequency [default fsx] or denominator of noise filter if 'f' option
0040 %
0041 % Outputs: z    noisy signal (single column unless 'x' option given
0042 %          p    levels in dB or power (see 'dD' options): [s-in n-in s-out n-out]
0043 %        fso    state output for fsx input to future call to allow s to be processed in blocks
0044 %
0045 % The noise can have a different sample rate from the signal (fsa and fsx
0046 % inputs respectively) but if you will be re-using the noise multiple times
0047 % it is more efficient to use v_resample() on the noise signal. This is the
0048 % same as resample() but discards the initial and final filter transients.
0049 % By using the fso output as the fsx input in a subsequent call, you can
0050 % process a long speech signal in chuncks with the same noise. Note that
0051 % the speech and noise levels determined fom the first chunck are used for
0052 % all subsequent chuncks.
0054 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2014
0055 %      Version: $Id: v_addnoise.m 10461 2018-03-29 13:30:51Z dmb $
0056 %
0057 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0058 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0059 %
0060 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0061 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0062 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0063 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0064 %   (at your option) any later version.
0065 %
0066 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0067 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0069 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0070 %
0071 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0072 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0073 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0074 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0076 ns=numel(s);        % number of speech samples
0077 if isstruct(fsx)
0078     fs=fsx.fs;      % sample frequency
0079     nb=fsx.nb;        % noise samples or filter numerator
0080     genf=fsx.genf;  % filtered white noise flag
0081     nsc=fsx.nsc;    % cumulative sample count
0082     gm=fsx.gm; % gains for speech and noise
0083     p=fsx.p; % output powers
0084     if genf
0085         zof=fsx.zof;  % noise generating filter state
0086         fsa=fsx.fsa;  % filter denominator
0087     else
0088         ioff=fsx.ioff;  % offset in noise signal
0089     end
0090     %% decode input arguments
0091 else
0092     fs=fsx;         % sample frequency
0093     nsc=0;          % cumulative sample count
0094     if nargin<3 || ~numel(snr)
0095         snr=Inf;
0096     end
0097     if nargin<4 || ~numel(m)
0098         m='';
0099     end
0100     if nargin<5 || ~numel(nb)
0101         nb=1;   % default is white noise
0102     end
0103     if any(m=='A') && (~any(m=='z') || ~any(m=='Z'))
0104         [awb,awa]=v_stdspectrum(2,'z',fs); % create an A-weighting filter
0105     end
0106     if any(m=='z')
0107         se=1;                       % speech power given as 0 dB
0108     elseif any(m=='A')
0109         sf=filter(awb,awa,s);        % apply A-weighting
0110         if any(m=='e')
0111             se=mean(sf.^2);         % use normal energy
0112         else
0113             se=activlev(sf,fs);     % or else P.56
0114         end
0115     else
0116         if any(m=='e')
0117             se=mean(s.^2);          % use normal energy
0118         else
0119             se=activlev(s,fs);      % or else P.56
0120         end
0121     end
0122     %% Now sort out the noise
0123     genf=any(m=='f') || ischar(nb) || numel(nb)==1;     % generate noise locally
0124     if genf   % generate noise locally
0125         if ~any(m=='f') % specify standard spectrum
0126             [nb,fsa]=v_stdspectrum(nb,'z',fs);
0127         end
0128         [dum1,zof,dum2,ne]=v_randfilt(nb,fsa,0);
0129         if any(m=='A')                                  % convolve with A-weighting to find power
0130             [dum1,dum2,dum3,ne]=v_randfilt(conv(nb,awb),conv(fsa,awa),0);
0131         end
0132         %% use the supplied noise signal
0133     else                                    % noise signal supplied
0134         hov=round(0.1*fs);                  % fading overlap width
0135         moff=min(2*any(m=='b')+any(m=='O'),2);      % moff=0='o',1='O', 2='b'
0136         mwr=min(2*any(m=='S')+any(m=='w'),2);       % mwr= 0='W',1='w', 2='S'
0137         nn=numel(nb);
0138         if size(nn,2)>1
0139             error('Noise signal must be a column vector');
0140         end
0141         if nargin<6
0142             fsa=fs;         % default sample rate is same as for speech
0143         end
0144         if fsa~=fs          % need to do resampling
0145             frat=fs/fsa;
0146             nbadd=ceil(10*max(frat,1)+1);         % half-length of filter at output sample rate
0147             nreq=ceil((ns+4*nbadd+hov+10)/frat);  % worst case number of input samples we need
0148             if nargout<3 && nreq<nn                              % just resample the bit we need
0149                 ioff=0;                             % initial offset in original noise signal
0150                 if moff<2
0151                     if mwr<2 && moff==0             % any offset allowed
0152                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*nn);
0153                     else
0154                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*(nn-nreq)); % choose offset to prevent wrapping
0155                     end
0156                 end
0157                 if nreq+ioff<nn % no wrapping required
0158                     nb=resample(reshape(nb(ioff+1:ioff+nreq),[],1),round(fs*10),round(fsa*10));
0159                     moff=2; % start at beginning
0160                     mwr=2;  % no wrapping
0161                 else % resample portions at the beginning and end and define offset to avoid the middle
0162                     nb=resample([nb(1:nreq+ioff-nn+ceil(10/frat));nb(ioff+1:nn)],round(fs*10),round(fsa*10));
0163                     joff=length(nb)-floor((nn-ioff)*frat)+5-nbadd; % offset to use when wrapping
0164                     moff=3;
0165                 end
0166             else % resample the entire noise signal
0167                 nb=resample(nb(:),round(fs*10),round(fsa*10));
0168                 if length(nb)<=2*nbadd
0169                     error('noise signal too short after resampling');
0170                 end
0171             end
0172             nb=nb(nbadd+1:end-nbadd); % trim ends to avoid resampling transients
0173             nn=numel(nb);
0174         end
0175         %% determine the starting offset within the noise signal
0176         ioff=0;                         % initial offset in noise signal
0177         switch mwr
0178             case 2                      % mwr=2: no wrapping
0179                 if nn<ns
0180                     error('noise signal too short');
0181                 end
0182                 if moff<2 % choose an offset
0183                     ioff=floor(rand(1)*(nn-ns));
0184                 end
0185             case 1                      % mwr=1: abrupt wrapping
0186                 switch moff
0187                     case 3
0188                         ioff=joff;  % use pre-calculated offset
0189                     case 1          % minimize number of wraps
0190                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*(nn-mod(ns-1,nn)));
0191                     case 0          % allow extra wraps
0192                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*nn);
0193                 end
0195             case 0                   % mwr=0: faded wrapping
0196                 hov=round(0.1*fs); % overlap is 0.1 seconds
0197                 if nn<2*hov
0198                     error('noise signal too short');
0199                 end
0200                 switch moff
0201                     case 3
0202                         ioff=joff;  % use pre-calculated offset
0203                     case 1          % minimize number of wraps
0204                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*(nn+1-2*hov-mod(ns-hov-1,nn-hov)));
0205                     case 0          % allow any number of wraps
0206                         ioff=floor(rand(1)*nn-hov);
0207                 end
0208                 if nargin>=3 || ioff+ns>nn        % we need to create a wrapped noise signal
0209                     wf=sin(0.25*pi*(1+cos((1:hov)*pi/(1+hov))))';
0210                     nb(nn-hov+1:nn)=nb(1:hov).*wf(hov:-1:1)+nb(nn-hov+1:nn).*wf;
0211                     nb(1:hov)=[];
0212                 end
0213         end
0214         if any(m=='Z')
0215             ne=1;                       % noise power given as 0 dB
0216         elseif any(m=='A')
0217             sf=filter(awb,awa,nb);      % apply A-weighting
0218             if any(m=='P')
0219                 ne=activlev(sf,fs);     % use P.56 for noise power
0220             else
0221                 ne=mean(sf.^2);         % or just normal energy
0222             end
0223         else
0224             if any(m=='P')
0225                 ne=activlev(nb,fs);     % use P.56 for noise power
0226             else
0227                 ne=mean(nb.^2);          % or just normal energy
0228             end
0229         end
0230     end
0231     %% Determine scaling factors
0232     if any(m=='D')
0233         snre=snr;
0234     else
0235         snre=10^(0.1*snr); % convert from dB
0236     end
0237     if snre>1 % positive SNR -> fix the signal level
0238         if any(m=='n')
0239             sze=1;
0240         elseif any(m=='N')
0241             sze=snre;
0242         elseif any(m=='K')
0243             sze=ne*snre;
0244         elseif any(m=='k')
0245             sze=se;
0246         else
0247             sze=1/(1+1/snre);
0248         end
0249         nze=sze/snre;
0250     else % negative SNR -> fix the noise level
0251         if any(m=='n')
0252             nze=1/snre;
0253         elseif any(m=='N')
0254             nze=1;
0255         elseif any(m=='K')
0256             nze=ne;
0257         elseif any(m=='k')
0258             nze=se/snre;
0259         else
0260             nze=1/(1+snre);
0261         end
0262         sze=nze*snre;
0263     end
0264     pe=[se ne sze nze]; % powers
0265     if (se==0 && sze>0) || (ne==0 && nze>0) || sze==Inf || nze==Inf
0266         if (se==0 && sze>0) || sze==Inf
0267             error('Infinite gain for signal with mode ''%s'': input=%.1f dB, output=%.1f dB',m,db(se)/2,db(sze)/2);
0268         else
0269             error('Infinite gain for noise with mode ''%s'': input=%.1f dB, output=%.1f dB',m,db(ne)/2,db(nze)/2);
0270         end
0271     end
0272     gm=sqrt([sze/(se+(se==0)) nze/(ne+(ne==0))]); % gains for speech and noise
0273     p=pe;
0274     if ~any(m=='D') && nargout~=1
0275         mk=pe~=Inf & pe~=0;
0276         p(mk)=10*log10(pe(mk));
0277         p(pe==0)=-Inf;
0278     end
0279 end
0280 if gm(2)>0          % only generate noise if it has a non-zero gain
0281     nn=length(nb);  % caluculate the length of the noise signal or filter numerator
0282     if genf         % we need to generate new noise
0283         if nn==1 && numel(fsa)==1 && nb==1 && fsa==1
0284             n=randn(ns,1);
0285         else
0286             [n,zof]=filter(nb,fsa,randn(ns,1),zof);
0287         end
0288     else % use supplied noise signal
0289         n=nb(1+mod(ioff+nsc:ioff+ns-1+nsc,nn));
0290     end
0291     if any(m=='x')
0292         z=[gm(1)*s(:) gm(2)*n(:)];
0293     else
0294         z=gm(1)*s(:)+gm(2)*n(:);
0295     end
0296 elseif any(m=='x')
0297     z=[gm(1)*s(:) zeros(ns,1)];
0298 else
0299 z=gm(1)*s(:);
0300 end
0301 %% create output state if required
0302 if nargout>2
0303     fso.fs=fs;          % sample frequency
0304     fso.genf=genf;      % filtered white noise flag
0305     fso.nsc=nsc+ns;     % cumulative sample count
0306     fso.nb=nb;            % noise signal or filter numerator
0307     fso.gm=gm; % gains for speech and noise
0308     fso.p=p; % output powers
0309     if genf
0310         fso.zof=zof;        % noise generating filter state
0311         fso.fsa=fsa;        % filter denominator
0312     else
0313         fso.ioff=ioff;      % offset in noise signal
0314     end
0315 end
0316 %% now plot if no output arguments
0317 if ~isstruct(fsx) && (~nargout || any(m=='g'))
0318     tax=(1:ns)/fs;
0319     subplot(3,1,3)
0320     zp=sqrt(mean(z.^2));
0321     if zp>0
0322         lg=20*log10(zp);
0323     else
0324         lg=-Inf;
0325     end
0326     plot(tax,z,'-y',tax([1 ns]),[0 0],':k',tax([1 ns]),[zp zp],'-b');
0327     texthvc(tax(1),zp,sprintf(' %.1f dB',lg),'lbb');
0328     axisenlarge([-1.005 -1.05]);
0329     ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0330     if snre==0
0331         lg=-Inf;
0332     elseif snre==Inf
0333         lg=Inf;
0334     else
0335         lg=10*log10(snre);
0336     end
0337     texthvc(tax(ns),ylim(2),sprintf('%.1f dB SNR ',lg),'rtb');
0338     xlabel('Time (s)');
0339     ylabel('Output');
0340     subplot(3,1,2)
0341     if nze==0
0342         plot(tax([1 ns]),[0 0],'-y');
0343         axisenlarge([-1.005 1]);
0344     else
0345         plot(tax,n,'-y',tax([1 ns]),[0 0],':k',tax([1 ns]),sqrt(pe(2))*[1 1],'-b');
0346         if pe(2)==0
0347             lg=-Inf;
0348         elseif pe(2)==Inf
0349             lg=Inf;
0350         else
0351             lg=10*log10(pe(2));
0352         end
0353         texthvc(tax(1),sqrt(pe(2)),sprintf(' %.1f dB',lg),'lbb');
0354         axisenlarge([-1.005 -1.05]);
0355         ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0356         if pe(4)/pe(2)==0
0357             lg=-Inf;
0358         elseif pe(4)/pe(2)==Inf
0359             lg=Inf;
0360         else
0361             lg=10*log10(pe(4)/pe(2));
0362         end
0363         texthvc(tax(ns),ylim(2),sprintf('\\times %.1f dB ',lg),'rtb');
0364     end
0365     ylabel('Noise');
0366     subplot(3,1,1)
0367     plot(tax,s,'-y',tax([1 ns]),[0 0],':k',tax([1 ns]),sqrt(pe(1))*[1 1],'-b');
0368     if pe(1)==0
0369         lg=-Inf;
0370     elseif pe(1)==Inf
0371         lg=Inf;
0372     else
0373         lg=10*log10(pe(1));
0374     end
0375     texthvc(tax(1),sqrt(pe(1)),sprintf(' %.1f dB',lg),'lbb');
0376     axisenlarge([-1.005 -1.05]);
0377     ylim=get(gca,'ylim');
0378     if pe(3)/pe(1)==0
0379         lg=-Inf;
0380     elseif pe(3)/pe(1)==Inf
0381         lg=Inf;
0382     else
0383         lg=10*log10(pe(3)/pe(1));
0384     end
0385     texthvc(tax(ns),ylim(2),sprintf('\\times %.1f dB ',lg),'rtb');
0386     ylabel('Signal');
0387 end

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