

V_KMEANHAR Vector quantisation using K-harmonic means algorithm [X,G,XN,GG]=(D,K,L,E,X0)


function [x,g,xn,gg] = v_kmeanhar(d,k,l,e,x0)


V_KMEANHAR Vector quantisation using K-harmonic means algorithm [X,G,XN,GG]=(D,K,L,E,X0)


    D(N,P)  contains N data vectors of dimension P
    K       is number of centres required
    L       integer portion is max loop count, fractional portion
            gives stopping threshold as fractional reduction in performance criterion
    E       is exponent in the cost function. Significantly faster if this is an even integer. [default 4]
    X0(K,P) are the initial centres (optional)
            Alternatively, X0 can be a character determining the initialization method:
                'f'    Initialize with K randomly selected data points [default]
                'p'    Initialize with centroids and variances of random partitions


    X(K,P)  is output row vectors
    G       is the final performance criterion value (normalized by N)
    XN      nearest centre for each input point
    GG(L+1) value of performance criterion before each iteration and at end

 The k-harmonic means algorithm selects K cluster centres to minimize 
 where sum_n is over the N inputs points d_n and sum_k is over the K cluster centres x_k.

 It is often a good idea to scale the input data so that it has equal variance in each
 dimension before calling KMEANHAR so that approximately equal weight is given
 to each dimension in the distance calculation.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x,g,xn,gg] = v_kmeanhar(d,k,l,e,x0)
0002 %V_KMEANHAR Vector quantisation using K-harmonic means algorithm [X,G,XN,GG]=(D,K,L,E,X0)
0003 %
0004 %  Inputs:
0005 %
0006 %    D(N,P)  contains N data vectors of dimension P
0007 %    K       is number of centres required
0008 %    L       integer portion is max loop count, fractional portion
0009 %            gives stopping threshold as fractional reduction in performance criterion
0010 %    E       is exponent in the cost function. Significantly faster if this is an even integer. [default 4]
0011 %    X0(K,P) are the initial centres (optional)
0012 %            Alternatively, X0 can be a character determining the initialization method:
0013 %                'f'    Initialize with K randomly selected data points [default]
0014 %                'p'    Initialize with centroids and variances of random partitions
0015 %
0016 %  Outputs:
0017 %
0018 %    X(K,P)  is output row vectors
0019 %    G       is the final performance criterion value (normalized by N)
0020 %    XN      nearest centre for each input point
0021 %    GG(L+1) value of performance criterion before each iteration and at end
0022 %
0023 % The k-harmonic means algorithm selects K cluster centres to minimize
0024 %                           sum_n(K/sum_k((d_n-x_k)^-e))
0025 % where sum_n is over the N inputs points d_n and sum_k is over the K cluster centres x_k.
0026 %
0027 % It is often a good idea to scale the input data so that it has equal variance in each
0028 % dimension before calling KMEANHAR so that approximately equal weight is given
0029 % to each dimension in the distance calculation.
0031 %  [1] Bin Zhang, "Generalized K-Harmonic Means - Boosting in Unsupervised Learning",
0032 %      Hewlett-Packartd Labs, Technical Report HPL-2000-137, 2000 [Zhang2000]
0033 %      http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2000/HPL-2000-137.pdf
0035 %  Bugs:
0036 %      (1) Could use nested blocking to allow very large data arrays
0037 %      (2) Could then allow incremental calling with partial data arrays (but messy)
0039 %      Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 1998
0040 %      Version: $Id: v_kmeanhar.m 10865 2018-09-21 17:22:45Z dmb $
0041 %
0042 %   VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
0043 %   Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html
0044 %
0045 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0046 %   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0047 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0048 %   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0049 %   (at your option) any later version.
0050 %
0051 %   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0052 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0054 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0055 %
0056 %   You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from
0057 %   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to
0058 %   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0059 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0061 % sort out the input arguments
0063 if nargin<5
0064     x0='f';
0065     if nargin<4
0066         e=[];
0067         if nargin<3
0068             l=[];
0069         end
0070     end
0071 end
0072 if isempty(e)
0073     e=4;  % default value
0074 end
0075 if isempty(l)
0076     l=50+1e-3; % default value
0077 end
0078 sd=5;       % number of times we must be below threshold
0081 % split into chunks if there are lots of data points
0083 memsize=v_voicebox('memsize');
0084 [n,p] = size(d);
0085 nb=min(n,max(1,floor(memsize/(8*p*k))));    % block size for testing data points
0086 nl=ceil(n/nb);                  % number of blocks
0088 % initialize if X0 argument is not supplied
0090 if ischar(x0)
0091     if k<n
0092         if any(x0=='p')                  % Initialize using a random partition
0093             ix=ceil(rand(1,n)*k);       % allocate to random clusters
0094             ix(v_rnsubset(k,n))=1:k;      % but force at least one point per cluster
0095             x=zeros(k,p);
0096             for i=1:k
0097                 x(i,:)=mean(d(ix==i,:),1);
0098             end
0099         else                                % Forgy initialization: choose k random points [default]
0100             x=d(v_rnsubset(k,n),:);         % sample k centres without replacement
0101         end
0102     else
0103         x=d(mod((1:k)-1,n)+1,:);    % just include all points several times
0104     end
0105 else
0106     x=x0;
0107 end
0108 eh=e/2;
0109 th=l-floor(l);
0110 l=floor(l)+(nargout>1);   % extra loop needed to calculate final performance value
0111 if l<=0
0112     l=100;      % max number of iterations ever
0113 end
0114 if th==0
0115     th=-1;      % prevent any stopping if l has no fractional part
0116 end
0117 gg=zeros(l+1,1);
0118 im=repmat(1:k,1,nb); im=im(:);
0120 % index arrays for replication
0122 wk=ones(k,1);
0123 wp=ones(1,p);
0124 % wn=ones(1,n);
0125 %
0126 % % Main calculation loop
0127 %
0128 % We have the following relationships to [1] where i and k index
0129 % the data values and cluster centres respectively:
0130 %
0131 %   This program     [Zhang2000]                            Equation
0132 %
0133 %     d(i,:)            x_i                                 input data
0134 %     x(k,:)            m_k                                 cluster centres
0135 %     py(k,i)           (d_ik)^2
0136 %     dm(i)'            d_i,min^2
0137 %     pr(k,i)           (d_i,min/d_ik)^2
0138 %     pe(k,i)           (d_i,min/d_ik)^p                    (7.6)
0139 %     qik(k,i)          q_ik                                (7.2)
0140 %     qk(k)             q_k                                 (7.3)
0141 %     qik(k,i)./qk(k)   p_ik                                (7.4)
0142 %     se(i)'            d_i,min^p * sumk(d_ik^-p)
0143 %     xf(i)'            d_i,min^-2 / sumk(d_ik^-p)
0144 %     xg(i)'            d_i,min^-(p+2) / sumk(d_ik^-p)^2
0147 ss=sd+1;        % one extra loop at the start
0148 g=0;                % dummy initial value of g
0149 xn=zeros(n,1);
0150 for j=1:l
0152     g1=g;                           % save old performance
0153     x1=x;                           % save old centres
0154     % first do partial chunk
0156     jx=n-(nl-1)*nb;
0157     ii=1:jx;
0158     kx=repmat(ii,k,1);
0159     km=repmat(1:k,1,jx);
0160     py=reshape(sum((d(kx(:),:)-x(km(:),:)).^2,2),k,jx);
0161     [dm,xn(ii)]=min(py,[],1);                 % min value in each column gives nearest centre
0162     dmk=dm(wk,:);                   % expand into a matrix
0163     dq=py>dmk;                      % update only these values
0164     pr=ones(k,jx);                   % leaving others at 1
0165     pr(dq)=dmk(dq)./py(dq);            % ratio of min(py)./py
0166     pe=pr.^eh;
0167     se=sum(pe,1);
0168     xf=dm.^(eh-1)./se;
0169     g=xf*dm.';                     % performance criterion (divided by k)
0170     xg=xf./se;
0171     qik=xg(wk,:).*pe.*pr;           % qik(k,i) is equal to q_ik in [Zhang2000]
0172     qk=sum(qik,2);
0173     xs=qik*d(ii,:);
0174     ix=jx+1;
0175     for il=2:nl
0176         jx=jx+nb;        % increment upper limit
0177         ii=ix:jx;
0178         kx=ii(wk,:);
0179         py=reshape(sum((d(kx(:),:)-x(im,:)).^2,2),k,nb);
0180         [dm,xn(ii)]=min(py,[],1);                 % min value in each column gives nearest centre
0181         dmk=dm(wk,:);                   % expand into a matrix
0182         dq=py>dmk;                      % update only these values
0183         pr=ones(k,nb);                   % leaving others at 1
0184         pr(dq)=dmk(dq)./py(dq);            % ratio of min(py)./py
0185         pe=pr.^eh;
0186         se=sum(pe,1);
0187         xf=dm.^(eh-1)./se;
0188         g=g+xf*dm.';                     % performance criterion (divided by k)
0189         xg=xf./se;
0190         qik=xg(wk,:).*pe.*pr;           % qik(k,i) is equal to q_ik in [Zhang2000]
0191         qk=qk+sum(qik,2);
0192         xs=xs+qik*d(ii,:);
0193         ix=jx+1;
0194     end
0195     gg(j)=g;
0196     x=xs./qk(:,wp);
0197     if g1-g<=th*g1
0198         ss=ss-1;
0199         if ~ss break; end  %  stop if improvement < threshold for sd consecutive iterations
0200     else
0201         ss=sd;
0202     end
0203 end
0204 gg=gg(1:j)*k/n;                       % scale and trim the performance criterion vector
0205 g=g(end);
0206 % gg' % *** DEBUIG ***
0207 if nargout>1
0208     x=x1;                               % go back to the previous x values if G and/or XN value is output
0209 end

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